DentEstet DE4Teens


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By opening the first pediatric dental clinic in Romania and Eastern Europe, DENT ESTET 4 KIDS has taken on a very important role: that of an educator for the market, as well as for patients.

Pioneer in the field of pediatric dentistry, our mission has been from the beginning to ensure high-quality dental services for all children, in an age-specific environment, along with dental treatments done by specialists.

In 2008 we launched the “Visiting the Tooth Fairy” program

The “Visiting the Tooth Fairy” program is dedicated to schools and kindergartens from the public and private sector, and aims to educate parents and children about oral health.

“Visiting the Tooth Fairy” is a complex program about education and prevention;

  • Children attend a workshop held by pediatric dentists, in which they talk about the importance of a healthy smile and how to take care of it, when and how to brush their teeth, which foods are the friends of healthy teeth, and when they should visit a pediatric dentist.
  • At the end of the workshop, each child benefits from an individual examination and goes home with a complete dental status.

DENT ESTET 4 KIDS has partnered with over 55 schools and kindergartens for this program, and over 8.000 children have visited the Tooth Fairy so far.

In 2008 we created a special program dedicated to parents – Dental Care Parenting Workshop

We know that parents are exposed to information from many sources, often contradictory, and for this reason we want to offer them concrete facts about how to take care of their children’s smiles, according to their age.

Baby teeth require special attention and care, because their tooth enamel is very thin and sensitive. That’s why parents need to be very careful when it comes to daily hygiene, diet, and periodic visits to the dentist.

It was important for us to let parents know about proper oral care, periodic visits, the management of new situations – dental injury etc.

Ever since the opening of the first DE4KIDS clinic we have supported the Save the Children Association.

For over 12 years we have collaborated with the Save the Children Association, a time in which we have ensured free dental treatments for children from disadvantaged families.

“DENT ESTET is a strategic partner for Save the Children Romania. We have been working together for 8 years to help the children in our programs. DENT ESTET ensures examination and specialized dental treatments for the children we work with, most of whom can’t afford such services. Also, the way in which their medics are trained to interact with children is remarkable. I haven’t met kids who liked to go to the dentist up until now, to perceive that environment as a friendly, but also a very professional one, tending to their needs. So far, more than 480 children have been treated at DENT ESTET. We are very honored and happy with this partnership!”

Gabriela Alexandrescu, Executive President for Save the Children Romania

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Since 2011 we’ve been helping the Open Hearts Foundation

For over 10 years we have ensured the treatment of dental emergencies for children that are part of the Open Hearts Foundation.

We raise Healthy Smiles and we Grow Great

Since 2017 we have supported the children in the Grow Great Association and we’ve offered them free emergency treatments, to ensure their dental health.

We are very excited for the DENT ESTET 4 KIDS’ support for our institutionalized children from Bucharest. They’ve had a wonderful experience every time and the volunteers have been impressed by the personnel’s care and professionalism. It’s great to see that DENT ESTET cares about these children coming from tough environments. Thank you DENT ESTET for your openness and support!

Vivianda Nicolae, Grow Great Coordinator

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Since 2019 we have worked alongside the Polisano Foundation in Sibiu

The most recent partnership is the one with the Polisano Foundation. Together we have traveled to schools and kindergartens in Sibiu county, to talk to children about oral health and the importance of hygiene.