DentEstet DE4Teens


Our dental sealant expert

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What are dental sealants

Dental sealants are a modern treatment for the prevention of dental caries, which can be performed on both temporary and permanent teeth.

  • Studies conducted by the American Dental Association show that the risk of caries on sealed permanent molars decreases by up to 80%
  • The medical procedure is safe and effective
  • Dental sealants are beneficial for children who cannot brush properly the last teeth on the dental arch.
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When are dental sealants recommended

Dental sealants are performed:


  • On the surface of the molars and premolars, these being the teeth that present a more prominent occlusal relief. Therefore, they are also most prone to caries, because it promotes the accumulation of bacterial plaque
  • For patients undergoing orthodontic treatment
  • Sometimes dental sealants can be applied on palatal faces of the upper incisors
  • The sealing acts as a protective shield preventing food and bacteria remaining on teeth
  • Performed on young temporary teeth, dental sealants prevent cavities
  • On permanent teeth, it is preferable to perform dental sealants shortly after eruption, but they can be done later, if the teeth have not been affected by caries
  • The optimal age for dental sealants treatment is 3-4 years for temporary teeth, 6-7 years for permanent first molar and 9-13 years for premolars and second molar.
How are sealings applied?
  • The tooth is thoroughly cleaned and dried
  • A special gel is applied to the sanitized tooth, which has the role of preparing the tooth for the sealing material
  • In the third step, the sealing liquid is applied, filling the pitches grooves, thus eliminating the retentive space in which bacteria can accumulate
  • In the last step, a light cure lamp is used to help fix the sealant.
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The tooth sealing procedure is 100% safe:
  • Does not affect the tooth
  • Does not require anesthesia
  • It is performed in a very short time, which offers more comfort to the child
  • The applied sealing material is shaped like a tooth and does not change its color
  • The preparation of the tooth for sealing is minimally invasive

Dental sealings are maintained for about 2 years (depending on the children’s diet), but doctors recommend that dentist visits to be made every 6 months and a very good dental hygiene should be maintained.

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Advantages of dental sealants

Performed on temporary teeth, dental sealings:

  • Maintain the health of the temporary dentition
  • Prevents the appearance of caries and possible problems with the eruption of permanent teeth due to the early loss of temporary teeth because of the caries that have affected the dental nerve.


Applied on permanent teeth, dental sealants can:

  • Prevent carious processes and problems that can affect the future adult.

Unlike incipient tooth decay, which destroys the structure of the tooth, dental sealants help to maintain tooth surfaces intact and strong. Also, long-term dental sealants can help save time and money, and the discomfort associated with dental procedures disappears.

The first permanent teeth appear from the age of 6 – the 6-year-old molar – so the prevention and care given to this permanent tooth must be appropriate.

Dentists recommend that the 6-year-old molar to be sealed shortly after the eruption and regular visits to the dentist’s office to be strictly observed.

Find out more about 6-year-old molar care in this article.