DentEstet DE4Teens

RECARE at 6 months

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Recare at 6 months is a prevention programme addressed to all our patients. Its purpose is to make children familiar and accountable for their healthy habits. Any child who develops healthy habits will become a conscientious adult when it comes to his health.

So, after completing the treatment, do not forget the regular visits and prophylaxis sessions:

  1. Periodic medical examination – during which the pediatric dentist analyzes the state of dental health and ensures that no other dental conditions have occurred.
  2. Regular prophylaxis session – is performed by the dental prophylaxis assistant. This may include simple brushing and topical fluoridation or may require additional ultrasonic scaling and the use of air-flow.
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The importance of prophylaxis session (brushing, ultrasonic scaling, topical fluoridation, air-flow):
  • Early detection of any oral disease
  • Maintaining oral health
  • Removing dental plaque (only professional cleaning can remove it)
  • Maintaining the results of previous treatments
  • Fresh breath
  • Maintaining oral & general health 
  • Periodical professional cleanings can prevent oral diseases and the need for complex treatments
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