Dr. Irina Morariu

Dr. Irina Morariu chose dentistry because she always liked to give support to people around her.
Since college, she was thinking to work only with children, but the final decision came after a while. She realized that she wants to treat only children because they give her positive energy and she enjoys their honest and direct reactions.
We make jokes, we laugh together, I understand their fears, I explain them, I listen to them.
In her free time, she likes to go to the movies, theatre, and music festivals, and in every trip, she finds time for a concert, a play, or a movie.
Dr. Irina Morariu graduated from the Faculty of Dental Medicine – University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Iuliu Haţieganu” Cluj-Napoca in 2006.
Between 2010-2013 she attended the residency courses in Bucharest, within the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, specializing in Endodontics.
Since 2011 she is part of the DENT ESTET 4 KIDS team, and one year later she joined also the DENT ESTET 4 TEENS team.
In 2016, Dr. Irina Morariu obtained the Inhalation Sedation Competency at UMF “Carol Davila” in Bucharest.
Dr. Irina Morariu is currently:
- Member of ANSPR (Romanian National Association of Paediatric Dentistry)
- Member of EAPD (The European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry)
- Member of IAPD (International Association of Paediatric Dentistry)
Specialized courses and congresses:
- European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry-the 16th EAPD Congress, in Lisbon, Portugal, June 15th-18th, 2022
- 15th Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, curs online, iulie 2020 Hamburg
- Style Italiano Hands-on Course-Daily Menu 37th edition, Esthetic Dentistry Anterior and Posterior – 14-17 Octombrie 2019 , Portofino, Italy -Prof. Dr. Angelo Putignano, Dr. Walter Devoto, Jordi Manauta, Anna Salat
- Competență pedodonție, 2018, „UMF Carol Davila”, București
- IAPD Regional Meeting and 25th Congress of Turkish Society of Pediatric Dentistry, 11-14 Octombrie 2018, Istanbul, Turcia
- „Traumatismele dentare și dento-alveolare la copil și adolescent”, Dr. Arina Vinereanu, mai 2018, București
- EAPD Interim Seminar “Local Anaesthesia in Paediatric Dentistry”, April 2017 Turin, Italy
- Primul Congres Internaţional al Facultăţii de Medicină Dentară, UMF „Carol Davila”, martie 2017, Bucureşti
- „Discover the truth about Composite”, susţinut de către Dr. Javier Tapia Guadix şi Dr. Stephane Browet, nov. 2016, București
- 13th Congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, Belgrade, Serbia, June 2016
- Standarde actuale de tratament în PEDODONȚIE” prof. dr. Yohannes Einwag şi dr. Curtis Goho, Teorie & Hands-on, mai 2015, Bucureşti
- Participare la a II-a Conferinţă Naţională a Asociaţiei de Stomatologie Pediatrică din România, octombrie 2015
- Participare la al XIX-lea Congres Internațional al UNAS, Bucureşti, octombrie 2015
- Al IV-lea Congres Naţional al Societăţii Române de Protetică Dentară şi Maxilo-Facială, octombrie 2015
- Participare la a X-a Conferinţă Naţională de Parodontologie, Bucureşti, octombrie 2015
- Diplomă EZ PEDO Certified Provider for Paediatric Zirconia Crowns, June 2015, București
- Hands-on Cosmedent, curs susţinut de Prof. Dr. Bennett Cochran, Bucureşti, 2015
- “A training course of the MRC appliance program”, Bucureşti, 2014
- Seminar EAPD Hermes in collaboration with UMF CAROL DAVILA UNIVERSITY: „Updates in Paediatric Dentistry”, Bucureşti, noiembrie 2014
- “MIH-Restorative Options in Children”, Prof. Dr. David Manton, Bucharest, June 2014
- “Traumatisme dentare și dento alveolare la copii şi adolescenţi”, Bucureşti 2014
- “Terapia mio-biofunctională şi ortodonţia”, Bucureşti, 2014
- “Ergonomie şi prevenţie în medicina dentară prin alinierea la standarde europene”, Bucureşti, 2012
- “Management personalizat bazat şi pe tehnologia informaţiei în medicina dentară”, Bucureşti, 2012
- “Locul implantologiei în reabilitarea orală a edentaţilor”, Bucureşti, 2011
- “Medicina dentară între standarde şi practica curentă”, Bucureşti, 2009
- Congresul “Estetica în stomatologie”, Bucureşti, 2008
- Congresul Internaţional de Medicină Dentară pentru studenţi şi tineri medici Stomis, Iaşi, 2008
- Organizator Congres Studenţesc “Dentis” Cluj –Napoca, în anii 2002 şi 2004
- “Concepte ortodontice şi metode de tratament”, Bucureşti, 2007
- Participant Congresul studenţesc “stuDent Bucureşti”, 2005
- Organizator Congres Studenţesc “Dentis” Cluj –Napoca, în anii 2002 şi 2004